wakeup with makeup
Permanent Makeup
Look and feel your personal best...
Permanent makeup mimics the look of just-applied lipstick, lip liner, eyebrow pencil and eyeliner. The procedures are performed through a process called micropigmentation using various devices, including the traditional tattoo coil machine, rotary machine and a manual pen. The tattoo device is used to inject pigment into the upper layer of the dermis.
Permanent makeup will add balance to your face and give you confidence. It enhances your appearance by working with colors and designs to blend naturally with your skin tone. Whether it is your eyes, lips or complementing your hair, your best features will sparkle. You can really enjoy the look you want that will truly transform your face, and change your daily life for the better. You will never have to worry about your makeup smearing or rubbing off again!
Each procedure takes between 1 to 3 hours. The process includes a consultation, the procedure and at least one or more follow-up visits for evaluating the healed design work. Just like any tattoo, the color will appear bold and intense immediately after the procedure then gradually fade as it heals. It is common for the area to be swollen for 2-5 days and crust over before healing.
People who meet the minimum age requirements and have the ability to heal properly from minor wounds can benefit from the liberating benefits of permanent makeup.
Under 18 years old
Pregnant or nursing.
Have upcoming vacation(s) or special event(s) planned shortly after. This is not like getting your makeup done. You will need time to heal. Minimum of 3 weeks.
Currently sick (cold, flu, etc), cold sores, fever blister.
Used AHA, Retin-A and/or Retinoid products last 2 weeks on/near the procedure site.
Had Botox within the last 2-3 weeks on/near the procedure site.
Seborrheic dermatitis, skin irritations, Psoriasis, rash, sunburn, acne, etc near/on the procedure site.
On antibiotics. Need to be off 1 week before and 2 weeks post tattoo procedure before taking antibiotics.
Use Accutane (oral acne medication) in the last 6 months.
On blood thinner medications.
Allergic to anesthetic (Lidocaine), metal (nickel/stainless steel/etc), glycerin, hair dyes.
Uncontrolled high blood pressure
Viral infection and/or diseases, chemotherapy/radiation within the last 6 months.
Tendency towards keloids or sensitive skin that bleeds easily.
Any type of surgery at the procedure site needs to mature at about 6 months before tattooing.
If you have the following medical conditions, you are not a candidate for cosmetic tattoo. You need to check with your doctor whether you can have permanent makeup done.
Diabetes Type 1 and 2, High Blood Pressure
Hepatitis last 6 months
Cancer/Auto-immune/Thyroid/Graves' disease
Hemophilia, Liver Disease, Hypertrophic, Keloid Scar
Any other medical condition that causes slow healing or high risk of infection
Epilepsy, seizure, have a pacemaker, major heart problems or had an organ transplant
IMPORTANT: If you have any medical conditions and/or are on prescriptions/herbs/medications (especially for heart or blood thinner meds), it is solely your responsibility to check with your doctor regarding the safety, risks and effects on the tattoo procedure. These conditions can cause poor pigment retention, increase swelling, excessive bleeding and/or serious complications. Never discontinue a prescribed medication without consulting with your doctor first.
Eyebrows Procedures

Combination (Combo)
Combo consists of a variety of techniques all in one. Hair strokes is done in the front of the brow to create a natural appearance with shading and ombre effect throughout the rest of the brow.
Lasts: 1-3+ years

Nano Brows
Nano brows is similar to Microblading consisting of hairstrokes imitation, but BETTER! Nano brows works with all skin types, and lasts much longer than Microblading.
Lasts: 1-3+ years

This has a more solid appearance with a single even color throughout the brows. This is a perfect choice for covering up existing tattoo or those who like a bolder look.
Lasts: 1-3+ years

Powder Shading
This technique employs a stippling method which uses repetitive dots to create a gradient appearance. This will create a soft effect resembling makeup application. This is a great option for mature or oily skin as well as covering up old tattoos.
Lasts: 1-3+ years
Eyebrows Pre-Procedure Instructions
Before Your Procedure
It is essential to clean the face and brow area thoroughly to limit any possibility of bacterial infection. Any irritations, broken or swollen skin on the area going to be performed on could create an increased risk for infection/poor result. Make sure the area is clean, and please follow the pre-care instructions below before your procedure:
To prepare your skin prior to your eyebrows procedure:
Gently exfoliate the area if you have dry, flaky skin.
Do not pluck/wax/thread the eyebrows 48 hours prior.
Do not tint/perform electrolysis 1 week prior.
Do not tan 2 weeks before or have a sunburned on the area going to be worked on.
Do not have any type of facial 2 weeks prior.
To prevent excessive bleeding:
Do not work out the day of the procedure.
Do not eat/drink anything with caffeine on the day of your procedure.
Do not take Aspirin/Ibuprofen or any blood thinner medication 24 hours prior.
Do not drink alcohol 48 hours prior.
Do not take "Hair, Skin, Nail" supplements, Fish Oil or Vitamin E 1 week prior
Where possible, try to avoid the following herbs/spices on the day of your procedure: Black Pepper, Cardamom, any member of the Ginger family, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Garlic, Horseradish, Mustard.
Getting Your Eyebrows Done
**Please bring in an ID for proof of age. No procedure will be perform without an ID.**
Before Your Procedure
Medical history and consent forms will need to be filled out. A copy of an ID is required to be filed with your forms. You and your technician will start with brow designs. This is a good time to let your technician know what you like and hope to achieve. If you have photos of your ideal brows, you can bring them to your appointment. Once your desired look is achieved, numbing agent will be applied for 15-30 mins. Your technician will then perform the tattoo.
During the Procedure
It may take up to 3 hours to complete. Please be prepare to spend a few hours at the studio. The lack of time would likely result in a dissatisfied outcome.
After the Procedure
You will be given aftercare instructions. The area will appear darker, more intense and bold in color. This can last up to 10 days after the treatment while the initial healing process takes place. The treated area may feel a bit like sunburn, but there should be minimal discomfort.
Touch-up is done at 4-8 weeks after the initial appointment. It is common that the first heal result will be patchy and likely to be much lighter than expected. Areas that did not retain the pigments will be filled in and additional color will be applied for a crisp finish.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will microblading work on me?
If you have oily skin, Microblading may NOT work well for you to have an individual hair stroke look. The constant production of oil will cause the hair strokes to heal with a diffused, softer look. Please keep in mind that multiple touch-ups may be need as oily skin makes it harder for the pigments to retain. Other things that may also cause poorer results are:
If you are a frequent smoker.
If you are iron deficient or Anemic, your pigment will fade sooner and bleeding/bruising may occur during and after the procedure.
Unhealthy compromised skin due to health issues, medications and over use of (anti-aging, acne skincare, etc…) are all factors in the outcome.
For clients with darker skin tone, the hair strokes will not appear as defined or as dark as it will on lighter skin. Microblading may not be the best option or additional touch-ups may be needed.
To keep your hair strokes looking good, a refresher appointment is suggested every 1 to 2 years. Results vary with each client’s lifestyle and health of their skin.
What is the healing process like?
Your new eyebrows will go through several phases during the healing cycle. True reflection of healed color can only be assessed 4-6 weeks after the initial treatment. It will go from too dark, to too light, to just right.
Immediately after the procedure, the pigment will appear very sharp, intense and dark. The color of the pigment will soften. Do not be alarm if you see some pigment coming off as the skin ooze. It is just the excess pigments. Once the healing process starts taking place, the eyebrows will start to look like dandruff flakes coming off. Do not pick them. Your eyebrows will be lightest at day 10-14. The colors will come back between day 21-30 and healing will be complete in 30-60 days.
Why can’t I get a touch-up session sooner than 4 weeks?
Touch-ups cannot be done within 4 weeks or less because your skin needs to properly heal. During the healing weeks, the pigment color hasn’t fully settled into the skin yet, and most importantly, the skin tissue needs to heal to prevent permanent scarring.
Why do I have to come back for a touch-up?
It is highly recommended that you do not skip out on the first touch-up session after the initial appointment as it is the finishing touch to really perfect the procedure. Your procedure is not considered COMPLETE until you've had both the initial and touch-up sessions done. It is a 2-step process. Please note that more touch-ups may be needed as everyone heals differently and has different desired outcome. This is especially true for clients who have prior tattoo(s) on the area or seeking corrections/removal.
What if I don’t like my result?
We will always do our best to give you the best result. However, it is highly recommended that you do your research and look for a technician whose skills and style closely match what you hope to achieve. Be sure you are ready to get permanent application as the final result will be on your face for years to come. If after healing and you still don’t like the result, it is best to let it fade over time and cover it up with makeup in the process. Your other option is to wait for the area to completely heal and then get a removal.

Eyes & Lips Procedures

Eyeliner enhances your eye color and makes your lashes appear longer and darker. Smudged eyeliner will no longer be a concern. It provides convenience and even safety for women with vision problems or unsteady hands. Contact lens wearers can benefit from the germ-free permanent liner.
Lasts: 1-3 years

Lip Blushing
Reapplying lipstick throughout the day is laborious. With permanent lip color, life and beauty will be restored to your lips. No more smearing lipstick on cups, clothing, face, reapplying after a meal, etc. The lip color you have always dreamed of can be obtained and last for many years to come!
Lasts: 1-3 years

Color Boost/Correction
Have an old procedure that changed color over the years? An annual touch up is recommended to keep your semi-permanent makeup vibrant and defined. Come in for a free consultation.
Eyeliner Pre-Procedure Instructions
Before Your Procedure
It is essential to clean the face and eyelids thoroughly to limit any possibility of bacterial infection. Any irritations, broken or swollen skin on the area going to be performed on could create an increased risk for infection/poor result. Make sure the area is clean, and please follow the pre-care instructions below before your procedure:
To prepare your skin:
Do not wear contact lens to your appointment.
You must be free of any eyelash extensions 4 weeks before and after the procedure.
Discontinue the use of any eyelash growth products 4 weeks prior.
No lash tinting, lifting, perming or curling 1 week prior.
To prevent excessive bleeding:
Do not work out the day of the procedure.
Do not eat/drink anything with caffeine on the day of your procedure.
Do not take Aspirin/Ibuprofen or any blood thinner medication 24 hours prior.
Do not drink alcohol 48 hours prior.
Do not take "Hair, Skin, Nail" supplements, Fish Oil or Vitamin E 1 week prior
Where possible, try to avoid the following herbs/spices on the day of your procedure: Black Pepper, Cardamom, any member of the Ginger family, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Garlic, Horseradish, Mustard.
*** You may have temporary blurriness and/or sensitivity to light following the procedure. Plan to arrange for a driver.***
Lip Pre-Procedure Instructions
To prepare your skin:
Exfoliate your lips daily for 3-7 days before your procedure. Failure to properly prep your lips will result in unevenness and more touch ups needed due to the lips having more dry skin.
If you have a history of cold sores/herpes, the procedure could trigger an outbreak. A prescribed anti-viral medication should be taken 2 days prior to your appointment. If you choose not to and get an outbreak, this could greatly affect the retention.
Any surgery on the lips or lip injections need to heal at about 6 months.
To prevent excessive bleeding:
Do not work out the day of the procedure.
Do not eat/drink anything with caffeine on the day of your procedure.
Do not take Aspirin/Ibuprofen or any blood thinner medication 24 hours prior.
Do not drink alcohol 48 hours prior.
Do not take "Hair, Skin, Nail" supplements, Fish Oil or Vitamin E 1 week prior
Where possible, try to avoid the following herbs/spices on the day of your procedure: Black Pepper, Cardamom, any member of the Ginger family, Cayenne, Cinnamon, Garlic, Horseradish, Mustard.
Day of Procedure
**Please bring in an ID for proof of age. No procedure will be perform without an ID.**
On the Day of Your Appointment
Wear comfortable clothes to your appointment, ones you won't mind if pigment accidentally gets on it. You can take Tylenol 30 mins before your appointment. You can also take natural herbal supplements to help you relax such as kava, melatonin, valerian, theanine or chamomile. Taking antihistamine, like Benadryl, before your appointment to help reduce swelling following the procedure can also be taken. It will also help you feel more relaxed and have a more comfortable experience. Please plan your transportation accordingly if you plan to take any medication that may cause drowsiness.
Before the Procedure
Medical history and consent form will need to be filled out. Please bring an ID for proof of age that will be required to be filed with your forms. Your technician will start with the procedure designs. This is a good time to let your technician know what you like and hope to achieve. If you have photos, you can bring them to your appointment. Once your desired look is achieved, your technician will numb the area for 15-30 mins and begin tattooing.
Immediately After the Procedure
The tattoo area will appear darker, more intense and bolder in color. This can last up to 10 days while the initial healing process takes place. It is important not to be misled by the immediate results as it will not look like the completely healed result. Once healed, the color will fade 30-50%. You will be advised on aftercare and be given instructions. The area may feel sensitive, swell/brusie.
Touch-up is done at 6-8 weeks after the initial appointment. It is common that the first heal result will be patchy and likely to be much lighter than expected. Areas that did not retain the pigments will be filled..
Frequently Asked Questions
What’s the difference between the Traditional Tattooing process and Permanent Makeup?
While both procedures involve implanting color into the skin, traditional body tattoo uses different techniques that implant the color much deeper. Traditional tattoo commonly use ink instead of pigment. Permanent makeup, on the other hand, uses pigment that is design to have a softer look that mimics makeup application and gently fade over time.
Is this procedure painful?
Topical anesthetic creams/liquids are used to minimize discomfort. Most find little or no pain.
What is involved in recovery?
There will be slight swelling and redness in the skin, which will subside quickly. The tattooed area will be intense in color and seem a lot thicker and bolder but all of that will reduce significantly after it is healed. You may resume normal activities immediately after the procedure. Complete healing takes 4-6 weeks while the pigmentation matures and reaches its final color.
Is a touch-up necessary?
Everyone heals differently, and additional touch-ups may be needed to achieve the desired result. Depending on your lifestyle and how well you take care of your tattoo, a touch-up may not be needed at all for several years after your completed procedure. The before and aftercare is crucial to getting great lasting results. Also, if you avoid using creams with glycolic acid and use sunscreen even after the area is healed, you can expect 3-5 years. Eyeliner lasts a little longer and so does the lips.
Why did my result fade sooner than expected?
a) Frequent exposure to sunlight or UV light.
b) Body breaks down foreign bodies when possible and eliminates them.
c) Use of glycolics, Retin-A, products for wrinkle treatments, exfoliants and bleaching skin products are
having an adverse effect on permanent makeup. Please avoid contact to the tattooed area.
d) Oily skin or iron deficiency.
e) Smoking.
3D Microblading.......................
6D Microblading.......................
Powder Shading.........................
Lash Enhance Eyeliner...............
Classic Eyeliner.........................
Shadow Eyeliner........................
Bottom Eyeliner.........................
Lip Liner....................................
Full Lips.....................................
1-3 Months..................................
4-6 Months.................................
7-18 Months................................
Add on.......................................
Change of Service.......................
New Clients will be charged initial price.
Returning Clients Only
*Prices are subject to change without notice.
3 months (90 days) post procedure